The park space around the Faculty of Mathmatics, Physics and Informatics of Comenius University in Bratislava offers a perfect urban/park landscape for a disc golf course. Elevation changes, tree alleys, multiple natural out of bounds areas, you can have it all. Did we mention that the area used to be an orchard and all the trees typically blossom around the time of the tournament?

BTS Urban Mayday is the first Slovak international tournament in urban/park setting. The environment around the permanent disc golf course at Comenius University allows for both short and long difficult 18 technical holes with length over 2000 meters and par 61 in a nice urban setup.

Urban/park discgolf tournament right in the capitol city Bratislava
2020 BTS Urban Mayday
Women Global Event
Tri Point Tour
May 9 - 10, 2020, Bratislava, Slovakia

Date: May 9 - May 10, 2020
Place: Bratislava, Slovakia, detailed tournament map
Format: 3 rounds 18 holes, PDGA C, Tri Point Tour
PDGA Event Website: https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/44950
Tournament Capacity: 72 players
Divisions: FPO, MPO, FJ18, MJ18
Course: 18 holes, par 61, total length 2052 meters
Registration: will open on March 10, 2020, 16:00 CET @ discgolf.sk
Caddy Book: will be posted here before the tournament
3PT Rules: The full rules can be found here.
Friday May 8, 2020
08:00 Permanent part of the course ready for practice (Holes #1, #9, #12 - #16)
13:00 Tournament course ready for practice
Saturday May 9, 2020
08:30 Players Meeting and Check-in @ Hole #1
09:15 Shot Gun Start Round 1
12:15 Lunch @ FreeFood Restaurant
13:30 Score card pick up @ Free Food
14:00 Shot Gun Start Round 2
17:30 Putting Contest
Sunday May 10, 2020
08:30 Mandatory Check-in @ Hole #1 (all players need to check-in, the first person in each group needs to pick-up the score card)
09:15 Shot Gun Start Round 3
12:15 Lunch @ FreeFood Restaurant
13:30 Trophy Play-offs, Award Ceremony
14:00 Optional Best Shot Doubles on Tournament Layout
We proudly announce that the general partners of the 2020 BTS Urban Mayday are
Discline.com - the wholesale disc provider
SAF - Slovak Association of Frisbee
FMFI UK - Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava
The other partners are
PriF UK - Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius Universtiy, Bratislava
FEI STU - Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava
Free Food