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2019 Smolenice Open

3 Point Tour  -  June 7-9



Welcome to the official website of 2019 Smolenice Open. The legendary disc golf tournament is back and it will serve as the first ever stop in Slovakia of the 3 Point Tour - the joint competitive tour of Slovakia, Austria, and Hungary. We expect the best players in the region and some extra guests to compete for the win. 

The competition will be in divisions: MPO (Open), FPO (Women Open),  MJ18 (Open Juniors), FJ18 (Women Juniors). Come and enjoy to play on one of the best disc golf courses in Europe. And you can also win the CTP prize on a special non-competition hole from the castle tower. 

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Since 2008 Smolenice castle park hosts the annual tournament Smolenice Open. The park offers a fantastic space for disc golf - rolling hills with large meadows, huge trees, dense woods with narrow paths, a small pond and, of course, the castle tower! It is traditionally one of the most difficult and also the most competitive tournaments in the region. In 2019 the course will host the first Slovak stop of the new regional competitive tour 

3 Point Tour. Vienna Open and Lake Park Trophy Ybbs (AT), Orseg Open and Budapest Open (HU) and Smolenice Open and Krpáčovo Open (SK) will test the skills of the players in this year's series. 


Disc golf in Central Europe has a long history. The first tournament in Austria was organized already in 1981. Players traditionally play at big tournaments across the region regardless of the country. In 2009 Central European Tour was organized for one year with 4 tournaments. More recently the annual Central European Championship host the best players in the region in a closed invitation only tournament format. The inaugural CEDGC was held in Smolenice in 2016, followed by Sv. Martin (HR, 2017), Kope (SI, 2018) and Nový Jičín (CZ, 2019). Furthermore, players competed in the international Austro-Hungarian tour. AHT is replaced in 2019 by the new 3 Point Tour with one clear goal - to offer competitive disc golf events in the region though out the whole season. Disc golf is rapidly growing  in Central Europe, in 2018 it hosted almost 80 PDGA tournaments, including the PDGA Major in Konopiště and European Championship in Croatia. The number of disc golf course grew over 100 with a new course build almost every other week.  There are more than 400 PDGA members and more than 2000 active disc golf players. The region is particularly strong in junior and women divisions. 

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